Karna School Project : h 'OM' eshakti

Karna School Project : h 'OM' eshakti
It all started as a small scale pilot initiative by Karna in a home. The objective was to allow children from the underprivileged section of society to have access to after school education assistance as well as free access to computer literacy. Since its inception in 2006 it is has grown from one center to three.

The concept is fairly simple – running a school within a “hOMe” or premises whose owner is willing to provide access to the space for 3-4 hrs. With the support of a few paid or pro-bono teachers the children from nearby localities are the beneficiaries of supervised after-school support in form of education support as well as access to computer literacy.

Story behind the name and logo
The project is being called “hOMeshakti”. The logo has been designed to visually depict the project concept. The letters ‘h’ and ‘e’ are in green color to signify a healthy lifestyle and clean environment. OM highlights spirituality, while ‘shakti” signifies the power of woman and her centrality in the home.

These children belong to the deprived section of society whose parents, struggling to make their both ends meet, are not able to guide or supervise their children either for want of time or because they themselves are not qualified enough.

They cannot afford private tutors or to send their children to coaching classes. The effort being to provide holistic education, these children are given exposure to health and environmental issues as well as knowledge of Indian cultural diversity, background and value system.

Where available, Karna extends the concept by providing the centers with a computer connected to the internet to expose these children to the new emerging world. It also is working on logistics to provide nutritive snacks to the children on a daily basis.

With your assistance, we would like to enrich the life of these children and give them the necessary support to act as a tipping point so that they are empowered to succeed in the new world. We know that different people can support at different levels. Here are some options you may like to consider:

Yearly costs (per school)

  • Teacher(s) Support :US $1,000
  • Supplies : US $500
  • Computer facilities:US $400
  • Snacks :US $1,000
  • Festive Snacks (special occasion) :US $50 per occasion

Also, in case you are aware of people in India; parents, relatives, friends or acquaintances, who would be interested in starting this in their “hOMe’s”, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to facilitate starting such facilities at their locations. All your contributions will be fully utilized to benefit these children – wonderful, full of potential, but most of them “wasting their sweetness in the desert air”. Please feel free to contact us.