Vivekananda Mission Hospital

Vivekananda Mission Hospital

As the country moves to becoming an industrialized economy, the advances in healthcare and education are accessible to people in the urban sprawl. The social and economic conditions of the people left behind in the rural areas have not kept up with the times. Lack of core infrastructure, in form of roads, electricity, healthcare, hygiene and good educational facilities to the rural folks are putting them in an unenvious situation. Corruption and lack of vision in the bureaucratic circles and absence of empathy amongst the intelligentsia has led to a multitude of problems amongst the rural folks.

Swami Praveenananda started the initiative of bringing the youths together for the welfare of the human society irrespective of caste, creed and colour. Vivekananda Mission Medical Institute (VMMI), a registered charitable organization was established approx. 40 kms from Varanasi, one of the holiest cities in India.

VMMI aims to address the health and hygiene needs of approx. 100 villages in the surrounding area with a target population of approx. 80,000 people. VMMI is also unique compared to the regular Hospitals, Health Centers and Nursing Homes. Generally in these places there is no contact between the hospital and the patient after he/she is discharged from the hospital.

At VMMI, the hospital becomes the responsible guardian of the patient and does all the follow up after he/she is discharged from the hospital. The hospital undertakes efforts to provide further treatments in better health care places to deserving cases, if necessary. VMMI currently provides the following facilities to the target population.

Eye Camps

Free Eye relief camps for operation of Cataracts. Every year there are on an average 10 camps run by VMMI with an average of 300-400 Cataracts operations conducted during the camps. Statistics for the last three years are as follows:

Health Camps

Free health checkup camps are provided as part of health camps approx. 10 times a year. These camps provide the rural folks with specialist attention to address their healthcare needs. Specialist doctors with specific skills in Orthopedic, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Cardio, Medicine, Dental and other specialties provide their time at no charge to see these patients. At these camps people are also provided free medicine and X-Ray facilities at a heavily subsidized rate of Rs. 60 (US $1.3) per report.

Child Welfare

While it is very moralistic and economically possible for the western world to condemn child labor, for some of the families living in rural areas every child is a person with a pair of hands to do some work and assist in the very survival of the family.
For VMMI it is very difficult to eliminate child labor due to its practical and real-world considerations, hence they adopt a different approach. VMMI tries to provide alternatives to the children in form of free supplementary school and also enhance their appreciation of proper hygiene.
The children are provided free books and supplies for the education process with the hope that education will allow the children an opportunity to break the cycle of poverty. The supplementary school has 188 students, approx. 30 of them coming from the carpet industry. The goal is to have a fully functional school with full-time teaching staff in the next two years.

The Inspiration

Swami Vivekananda passed away in the year 1902, but his ideas and thoughts have attracted the attention of people all over the world.
The universal popularity which he enjoyed during his life time is well understood by the fact that even now he is being hailed as a lover of poor and downtrodden population of our country.
In all his writings and speeches he emphasized the upliftment of the poor people of the rural areas. He preached that unless and until we serve our own men who are poor, downtrodden and starving with the same kind of love, respect and dignity that we offer to God there is no use of practicing great religious austerities.
He expected great many things from the youth of our country and suggested that education at all levels for boys and girls should reach all corners of our country. He said "First of all, our young men must be strong, religion will come afterwards. Be strong, my friends; that is my advice to you. You will be nearer to heaven through football than through the study of Gita." He believed that service of the human soul is the best way of worshiping the god than any other we ever think of. Through this worship the God in human body and soul one can attain his goal of life.

Facilities and Staffing

The VMMI facility is a complex of one and two storied buildings of approx. 7,500 sq.ft and a hospital complex building of approx. 6,500 sq. ft.
Even though it is small in size, it stands tall as a culmination of selflessness and humility of the volunteers that make it happen.

The main building houses the following:

1) Living quarters for the 10 volunteers who work selflessly
2) Residence for Doctor

The hospital building has the following:

1) One mini-operating theater
2) Dressing Room
3) X-Ray room
4) 20 Beds for in-patient services
5) Consultation room for Resident doctor
6) 2 Consultation Rooms for visiting doctors.

The mission is staffed by the following staff:

1) 10 volunteers
2) 1 full time & 2 part time Doctors
3) Doctor’s assistant (compounder)
4) Nurse
5) Pathologist
6) X-ray technician
7) Ambulance Driver
8) Eye Repressionist

How you can Help !!!

Your financial support can have a significant difference in the lives of the rural folks of India. We at Karna are targeting to collect approx. $20,000 of funding every year to channel to VMMI for them to provide them with financial support to continue conducting medical camps as well as providing funding for managing day-to-day operations. You may provide financial support as you choose or may elect to sponsor in one of the following ways:

  • Pay for one medical camp cost approx. : US $500
  • Pay for one Eye camp cost approx. : US $600
  • Pay for sustenance of volunteers (food/clothing) :US $250/month
  • Pay for yearly cost of supplementary schooling US $1,000

When you sponsor one of the events, there will be adequate publicity provided to your name as a sponsor for the event.